Projects of relations among persons things places.
Hypothesis of meeting between who want to met.
To manage different sequences to create a synchronous or asynchronous p.o.v. is needed in contemporary art.
In this way it’s also possible to create a cultural exchange between people.
All my projects started but they are still growing onwards, they‘re building by interested people.
I want to start other situation, city where i want to go to find usual and unusual behavior, to take different interest and start other relational system.
Operative approach is the line of thinking among the projects.
To Create this platform and interlinking relations trying to find different field.
This is what moves my projects and the leading idea of the next one.
The Most interestig thing for me is to put myself in useful way for dynamic of relations.
In this situation I want to listen people object place ecc.
I’m trying to heighten relationship inside and outside my project as possible to let it grow up.
I usual use internet as medium, as its qualities give to me speed, high visibility and diffusion.
Elements as blog, web page, ads. ecc. give the possibility to organize and share update informations.
Besides mixed authoriality permitted by the contemporary use of internet make more easier to build opened points of view.
Nowadays perceptions of content bacome strongly simoultaneous, blurring possible definition of interdisciplinariety and maybe it will be more.
Before to start producing internet contents the knowledge of the basic architectures of it like blogs, social networks ecc. is needed and today these are my field of research.
What i’ve seen it’s cyclic relationship of self production between medium used to share the information and the information themshelves.
To be able to manage this mediatic tissue is fulcrum of working and dealing in platforms.
When the modality is chosen each themes could be tryed.
Davide Stucchi
domenica 22 febbraio 2009
At the end of dinner with friends, or in many other occasions.
You can call us and we’ll arrive to make you a good italian coffee
You’ve to contact us 1 day before at least.
We’ll bring with us our materials, you don’t need anything.
It’s perfect if you’ve missed to buy the coffee.
Why ?
Why not?
This initiative is for who want to make research about the behaviour of the citizens inside the cities, using different ways to get next to them.
Sometime basic actions link people who want to be approached.
This situation is really fruitfull, more than others ways of research.
When I travel, I’m used to put new ad in the city where I am, to find someone interested.
Now i want to share this idea to develop the project in other ways.
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